31 May 2018 (anHn + ibnPn). (36). Thus, we would like to compute the matrix elements. 〈φβ| Qn|φα〉, were Qn is a sum of products of powers of Hn and Pn.

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Revue des études juives. 1880. Volume 17. Author: Société des études juives (France); Ecole pratique des hautes études (France). Section des sciences économiques et sociales; Ecole des hautes études en sciences sociales; Société des études juives (France). Actes et conférences Volume 1, 1880 Subject: Jews; Judaism; Jewish literature Publisher: [Paris, s.n.] Language: French; Hebrew PK !…l9Š.. mimetypeapplication/vnd.oasis.opendocument.spreadsheetPK !ù Æ’o Ž styles.xmlìYÍnäD ¾#ñ –W¬ààñx&£Ìxãì qŒ Ú=G=vÛÓ¤í6ÝíÌ RIFF – WEBPVP8X ß ANIM "ÿANMFì>ß VP8 Ô>ðø *à >‘@›J¥£¦"' zxÀ cl ¡i{³_A“ßG™“z Æ{³üó˜+¿ ¿ØF3aéq ÄyÈk ͆ŠG ÚkÂe –ñþã ÚÙÉü ÏO?ß÷‡sÁþ`{Ýþ÷Ó ë[ýŸÕGÎÃÖ ûö ¿“ ÿEÿ'Ä Ð>ëý¯å‡ÄÖ þ'Áo´ ­üÝù þ7ý¿ wþƒþ—æGÀwµ?Ò÷åwÔÜ ú~¡ÞÒ}Ÿþ øïVnæzUö§Ø ú'õ óÞ·ÿÚñðü ýŸ`oæ Ýÿíÿ™ü»ú Eߣ B† B÷ Bò Bó B‚„webmB‡ B… S€g ”é M›t@-M»‹S«„ I©fS¬ ßM»ŒS«„ T®kS¬‚ 0M» S«„ S»kS¬ƒ ”¹ì £ I©f E*×±ƒ B@M